Monday, November 28, 2011

Saxon Math, Intermediate, Grade 3

Saxon Math, Intermediate, Grade 3 Review

Saxon Math's integrated and distributed instructional plan helps all students achieve mastery of the standards by building in TIME to learn, TIME to process, and TIME to practice.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Repairing the Ruins: The Classical and Christian Challenge to Modern Education

Repairing the Ruins: The Classical and Christian Challenge to Modern Education Review

As parents, it is easy for us to look back and see the shortcomings of our own education. Since many of us were taught in public schools, we often have a pretty good idea of what we don't want our children to learn. But what exactly should we give them instead?

The authors of Repairing the Ruins, a group of experienced teachers and schools administrators, faced this same question when they first embarked on the journey of education. They found a tried and true answer in classical Christian education. Here they explain what makes classical Christian education different from modern methods and why it offers a distinctly Christian alternative. Building upon this foundation, the authors provide parents with the "Whys and Hows" of the Trivium, tips on planning curriculum, wisdom in designing education to serve the heart as well as the mind, and advice on starting up schools.

For all who have ever wondered where to begin with their children's education, Repairing the Ruins comes alongside with words of comfort and direction.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Complete Home Learning Source Book: The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from Arithmetic to Zoology

The Complete Home Learning Source Book: The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from Arithmetic to Zoology Review

This exhaustive and comprehensive sourcebook provides parents and teachers with information on all the resources needed to plan a well-balanced curriculum for the home or the classroom, from preschool through high school. The Complete Home Learning Sourcebook not only covers basic academic subjects--the three R's--but also addresses interests that are off the beaten path of public school curricula, such as paleontology and meteorology. Thorough and up-to-date, this invaluable resource reviews all possible learning tools:

Arranged by subject, including "Philosophy," "Life Skills," and "Electronic Media," the sourcebook's organization and succinct and insightful entries make it a breeze to use.  Icons next to the entries denote the format and intended age group of each resource. Whether readers are looking for the best way to explain relativity or Egyptian mummification, The Complete Home Learning Sourcebook opens the door to a whole new universe for teaching and learning.

Hands-on activities
Board games
Educational Web sites

Friday, November 18, 2011

Saxon Math 8/7: Homeschool Student Text

Saxon Math 8/7: Homeschool Student Text Review

Customized for the homeschooling environment. Text includes investigations, an illustrated glossary, and 120 lessons.  Each daily lesson includes warm up activities, teaching of the new concept, and p

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Answer Key Transparencies Volume 2 (Saxon Math 5/4, Teacher's Edition)

Answer Key Transparencies Volume 2 (Saxon Math 5/4, Teacher's Edition) Review

Lesson and Investigation Transparencies (Investigation 6 through Lesson 120)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Math 54: Homeschool Kit

Math 54: Homeschool Kit Review


About the Author:

Author:Stephen Hake^John Saxon
Publisher:Steck-Vaughn Company
Published Date:01/01/2004
#of pages:#N/A

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saxon Math 5/4: Home School, Tests & Worksheets Book & Solutions Manual

Saxon Math 5/4: Home School, Tests & Worksheets Book & Solutions Manual Review

Customized for homeschooling, 12 investigations and an illustrated glossary, 120 lessons.  Each lesson includes warm up activities, teaching of the new concept, and practice of new and previous materi